Monday, October 6, 2008

Fabulous Family!

Sweet sisters always have a special place in my heart since I have two little girls myself. Miss E and Miss G are absolutely breathtaking young ladies. We captured some great individual shots of each of them that show off their gorgeous eyes.

We had so much fun and the whole family joins in the session. Grandparents, their son and daughter along with their spouses and children. You can see from the group shot that the gene pool is bound to produce some beautiful children. They are extremely bright as well! Possibly future leaders of our great country!

What a change Mr. B has made since our last two sessions! He's walking (nearly running) and just turned one! He is a cutie pie and has sweethearts for parents.

Dad and his three young ladies!

The whole family! They were so much fun and I am honored to be a part of their annual tradition.