Summer time is generally a slower season in the portrait photography world and June brought many opportunities to visit with friends & families and create some unforgettable personal memories. I was on the road nearly the entire month coming home only to re-pack and meet with a few wonderful clients. We started the month off on a family vacation to Orlando (earlier post), spent a couple of days with one of my best friends, her kids and my family at Lake Lanier, drove to Alabama to visit with friends in from Texas and then took an amazingly relaxing last minute girls trip with two of my very best friends to the beach! I missed my hubbie and am happy to be home now. Here are a few memories captured...
Tire swing at the lake

Picnic at the lake

We hoped to get some great shots in the beautiful white dresses my friend gave the girls, but it rained and we had to improvise. I love my polka dot umbrella and it was a life saver that day!

TGFT (thank goodness for tripods!) :-)